Week 6

PCB production

For PCB production week, I wanted to redesign one of my previous project, an ai boarding game system toy. Left img: original game system. Right img: new mini version.

I hope to make it smaller and more portable with a compact pcb layout.

This is the final device, user create their own board game rules and story with drawn charactors. Here is a short demo of how it works:


The CNC I use (MDX 50) uses a custom software my good friend Lingdong wrote. It features a user friendly interface allowing the user to calibrate and customize gcode toopath. Shout out to Lingdong!

PCB cut inprogress:

soldering and assembly

After the cut:

Soldering the different components while following the original schematic:

This inital version was tested and worked well until I decided to use a home made multimeter to test out the connection. Despite running on low voltage, it went through the SAMD11D chip and fried it.

I had to cut another one, sad day.

PCB housing

I decided to make a small housing for my device to make it more user friendly, here is the design:

Final device: