- Mechanism
The entire mechanism of a solid knitting machine.
Loop holders are a mechanism to retain knitted loops, which works for the same purpose of the circular parts of the current design below.
Details are also in components.
This is an assembly to knit new loops. Knitting needles are made with latch needles shown below, but with a narrowing-and-widening function.
Since the needle needs to pass between two holders to create a new loop, it needs to be narrower than the space in this case.
But it needs to be widened when it hangs the knitted loop on the needle to the holder.
Latch needle.
- Control
I will use solidknitout as a language to control solid knitting machines, derived from knitout.
I will use Arduino with usb serial to read the codes. Making this code reading function into a library is another component project.
I am thinking of preparing a micro controller for each motor of the loop holders and connect them via a network. Other motors will be controlled directly by Arduino.