Valentin learns how to make:

--> a final idea ;-)
--> a Press-fit Construction Kit a rocked!
--> a USB - Microchipprogrammer
--> something big
--> a mold
--> a game based on a button and two leds
--> something that dose not fit in the printer, it got printed with
--> something for the refrigerator with sensors
--> The Earthquake-Pen!
--> Frequenz-Modulation for the Earthquake-Pen!
--> Update final project
--> something that feels the distance
--> The Earthquake-Pen DELUX 2000


Shopbot is the new laser cutter!

The idea for this project has been a chair that is very easy to assemble, uses maximum of the given material
and dose not need any glue.
And most important: It should look nice.

The chair is made out of 5 pieces.

3 chairs fit in to one sheet of the given wood.

The chairs are so stable that a human can stand on all of them.

Or alternativly sit on it. :-)

So this has been even more fun!
