I chose the to print Valentin's board mainly because it has a built-in USB male connector
First attempt with the mill - not too bad
Almost done. Notice how much milled materials there is
Done milling and cleaning (with water and soup!)
I couldn't find 18 pF capacitors, so I used two 10 pF in parallel (soldered them on top of each other). Also, for the bypass filter, I used 10 uF instead of 0.1 uF since that was the closest I found
Done stuffing. This was my first time soldering SMD; my impression was positive because the process turned out to be easier than I thought
I have an AVR programmer (avrisp2) that I used to program this usbtiny. The only change that I made for the makefile is this line: AVRDUDE = avrdude -c avrisp2 -P com3 -p $(DEVICE)
It only took about 10 seconds to flash the firmware using WINAVR and it was all done
After removing the programming jumpers by breaking the extension that was attached to board