Week 00 :: Computer-Aided Design

How can we do CAD for wearables?

Haptic Feedback for Manual Actions
Responsive image
Sketch: Imagining the possibility of feeling points in space.

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I'd like to explore a different way for architects to convey instructions to builders. Traditionally, drawings are how we convey everything about position, dimension, and relation of elements.

However, I don't think drawings are responsive enough to capture the complexities of a construction site. Instead, I'd like to skip drawings, and try to convey a design to someone using only signals and feedback loops.

Key components of the design:
1. Wearable structure to attach devices onto a body.
2. Haptic feedback integration - to send signals to the body.
3. Motion tracking - to orient the body in relation to the digital model.
4. Sensors to communication information back into a digital model.

Really, what I want to explore here is a different feedback loop for building. Can I send data back and forth, between digital model and physical site, throughout the construction process?


I have never designed a wearable before, so I'm not familiar with how CAD procedures work when designing for a body. After consulting with wearable designers at the Self Assembly lab, I decided I'll be using Rhino 7 to model this project.

My first challenge is to look at a 3D model of a mannequin, and strategize where I might be able to place different elements. The goal here is to find locations where I can mount electronics without impeding motion of any joints.

Responsive image
Diagram of proposed systems.

Determine more specifically which software platforms I'll try to link together.
Learn more about electronics & which specific hardware I'll need to integrate for this project.
Select some materials for designing a wearable.