Characterizing the in-house rules for our in-house PCB Production Process.
First steps for this week involved a hands-on demo of PCB milling using the Modela machine in RPL.
Send a PCB out to a board house.
I decided that I would try to use PCBWay to order a breakout board for the ESP-32CAM, Specifically this one from Electronic Clinic.
I just downloaded the files which were provided on the breakout board page, and quickly realized that I couldn't open these filetypes. Although the Gerber files are ASCII text, they're unintelligible to edit from a text editor. It seems like Eagle would be the program of choice for
To see how I use this PCB when it eventually arrived, please see my Final Project Progress
My first step for this week was to revisit last week's assignment, and design my own PCB more in line with my final project goal. This schematic shows the XIAO ESP32C3 connecting to two output devices, a DC vibrating motor, and an OLED display. I've tried the OLED display in week 02 with the XIAO RP2040, so I have some familiarity with the SDA/SCL pins used for serial communication. The aspect I'm less sure about, is driving the DC motor, which is requiring me to dive into transistors, resistors, and diodes.
Unfortunately, the board does not perform any of its intended functions, so far. Now that I've seen the process through from schematic to physical board, I at least understand some of the parameters that I'm working with.
To get the board functioning the way I want, I think I need to break out the steps a bit more systematically. I tried too many things in one round of development, so I'm left with a debugging situation that's not in my favor.