Week 09 :: Output Devices
How do we send haptic feedback?
1. Add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed.
And program it to do something.
This week, I am designing a board to connect an ESP32C3 microcontroller to a 10mm vibrating coin. The coin is a DC motor, which I will try to connect to a GPIO pin.
To understand how to connect the vibration motor, I found this example helpful:
Reference circuit.
A short summary of issues I ran into:
I should have used a Schottky Diode, rather than a Zener Diode.
At different points, I read different information about where resistors should be located, and what resistance level they should provide. Any resistor or capacitor that I connected to the ground pin would cause the mosfet to fail.
This circuit was designed for an N-Mosfet, but I wasn't completely sure what specification was important.
2. Group Assignment: measure the power consumption of an output device.
Working withNasibe Nur Dundar Arifoglu, we tried to learn a bit more about the performance anf requirements of the motor I was working on.