Week 09 :: Output Devices
How do we send haptic feedback?
1. Add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed.
And program it to do something.
This week, I am designing a board to connect an ESP32C3 microcontroller to a 10mm vibrating coin. The coin is a DC motor, which I will try to connect to a GPIO pin.
To understand how to connect the vibration motor, I found this example helpful:
Reference circuit.
Bringing my CAD files to the Modela, I repeated the milling process.
One issue occurred during this process, which is that on the 1/32" edge cut, the double-sided tape released from the spoilboard.
I managed to stop the machine quickly once the board dislodged, but one of my traces was severed.
I was hesitant to solder my microcontroller onto the board, since last time I had issues desoldering when I wanted to make changes.
Something is wrong. With the microcontroller plugged in, the vibration motor is powered.
This should not be the case, and it means I've made some mistake in surface mounting certain elements - possibly the mosfet, or the diode, or some of the resistors?
A short summary of issues I ran into:
I should have used a Schottky Diode, rather than a Zener Diode.
At different points, I read different information about where resistors should be located, and what resistance level they should provide. Any resistor or capacitor that I connected to the ground pin would cause the mosfet to fail.
This circuit was designed for an N-Mosfet, but I wasn't completely sure what specification was important.
Finally, after systematically replacing every component in the board, I was able to confirm the correct components for my intended use.
2. Group Assignment: measure the power consumption of an output device.
Working withNasibe Nur Dundar Arifoglu, we tried to learn a bit more about the performance anf requirements of the motor I was working on.
Probing the circuit before and after the vibration motor, we observe a drop of 4.475 volts.