Composites Characterization Eagle Creating Components in Eagle (Almost) Frustration-Free XML Structure of an Eagle Library File Electronics Installing the Atmel GNU Toolchain on Modern Windows Eagle parts library: fab.lbr Kicad parts library: fab.lib (symbols) fab.mod (footprints) Electronics 101 and FAQ PCB Rivets Fab Academy videos Link FabISP Demystifying the FabISP and Designing the FabOptimus FabISP programming (updated) File Management Bash image compressing Health and Safety How to read a Safety Data Sheet, for beginners PPE tips for working with corrosives and skin sensitizers SDS for materials on the fab inventory: Entropy Resins Super Sap CLR Epoxy, Super Sap CLX Hardener, Super Sap CLF Hardener, Super Sap CLS Hardener Super Sap ONE Epoxy, Super Sap ONF Hardener Smooth-On OOMOO 25 Part A and Part B, Mold Max 60 Part A and Part B, Smooth-Cast 305 Part A and Part B Smooth-Cast 326 Part A and Part B, Universal Mold Release, Ease Release 205 So-Strong Colorant, Sorta-Clear 37 US Gypsum Company: DryStone, Hydro-Stone Super X Other: Mann Technologies Ease Release 200 (also a Smooth-On product), SC Johnson Fine Wood Paste Wax, Gorilla Glue Molding and Casting Sand Casting Aluminum Programming Simple examples of AVR c programs, with macros explained Simple examples of AVR c programs using analog in Embedded Javascript - espruino and stm32 nucleo Sewing and Textiles Sewing and Textiles Version Control Git Tutorial Communications ESP32