Home Final Project Week 1 Week 2a Week 2b Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 11 Assignment: Networking and Communications
Week 11: Networking and Communications

11.1 Introduction
My final project has no need for wireless networking, so for the assignment this week I opted to develop a wired network of microcontrollers. To accomplish this task, I fabricated break out boards that my master PCB could send and receive signals with. A line diagram of my tentative network is shown below. In my final project I plan to use a Hall Effect sensor to secure my pump and activate a drain valve.

11.3 Loading Bootloader
I include this section as an item of pride. This was the first week I was able to load a bootloader to a new board without assistance. After downloading the EDBG application and the binary file for the SAMD11C14A, I successfully programmed my board using the Atmel AVR through a command terminal. My success was confirmed after flashing the board with an LED blink code.

11.4 Group Assignment
The group assignment for this week involved sending a message between two projects. Sadly, my time supply ran out this week, and I was unable to coordinate with others to complete this group assignment.