Week 3: Electronic Fabrication


There isn't much to say on this project. I used the files supplied in the class to mill the PCB and I soldered it. In terms of documentation, all I have is a picture:

This clearly isn't enough, which is why I documented the process of creating a PCB in Altium and milling it with the Modela in the next section.

From Altium to the Modela

I've been using PIC microcontrollers for almost 10 years now. It's hard to use something else than what you are used to use, but it's good for an engineer to gain flexibility. Learning how to use small Atmel processors doesn't motivate me: they are too similar to what I'm used to. Instead, I decided to learn how to use Cypress PSoC chips. I've been willing to try them for years: now is the time.

This my first attempt at a minimalist PSoC 4 development board. It can't get any simpler:

I milled the PCB on the Modela. All the details can be seen in this tutorial: From Altium to the Modela

And here's the populated circuit:

More details can be found on the Week 6 page.

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Jean-Francois (Jeff) Duval - jfduval(@)media(.)mit(.)edu - 2013
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"Hidden" keywords: Jean-François Duval, JFDuval, Jeff Duval, PCB, Dishpenser, MIT Media Lab, Biomechatronics, Electronics, Robotics, DIY, Hack, Hacker