Week 12



This week the assignment was to design a wired or wireless node(s) with network or bus addresses. I found conceptualizing what this meant exactly fairly confusing even after reading various websites and had a bit less time this week to devote myself to fully figuring it out. I decided this week to follow the website of Rony Suchleien from the Fab Academy in Israel. I found this broadly useful and redrew the boards that they provided on the right. The board design has one Bridge and two Nodes controlled by the computer.


I had a few different sessions producing the board with the typical issues that seem to arise. Some issues with sizing and not paying attention caused me to lose time and have some boards that ending up broken in half. After a while however, I was able to mill each of the boards without issue and solder on the required components.


I started to attempt programming the board but as of writing this was not able to complete ensure that the boards are working before the start of class. Will do this as soon as I can, and hopefully in the process get a better sense of what networking is about.