Week 9: Output Devices

LED Array

I knew for the final project, I'd likely want to integrate an LED array

In class, Neil had mentioned charliplexing as a way to make a LED array while reducing the number of pins required out of the microcontroller and number of resistors.

I watched a few tutorials online and looked at projects from previous years to get a sense for how to design one of these boards.

Here is my KiCAD Schematic.

Pretty much all of the examples I saw from previous used the ATTiny 44 instead of a SAMD. I wasn't entirely sure why, but also remembered Neil saying that this board was outdated. I held off on doing this till I had a better understanding of what I was doing. I also thought cutting a board out of copper vinyl rather than milling th board on a copper plate so that I could have a larger array without the need of jumper wires.

Eventually I needed to make an LED array and was in a bit of a time crunch to get things working. In case I didn't end up having time to mill and solder all of my LEDs I went to MicroCenter and purchased a NeoPixel 8x8 LED array. This way I could make sure all of my software was working and practice programming the LED arrays.

Eventually I needed to make an LED array and was in a bit of a time crunch to get things working. In case I didn't end up having time to mill and solder all of my LEDs I went to MicroCenter and purchased a NeoPixel 8x8 LED array. This way I could make sure all of my software was working and practice programming the LED arrays.


I didn't yet have my new ESP 32s which I had ordered, so I hooked the LED matrix to an arudino uno board I had.

Following some examples I found online, I began programming my own animations. You can find the code here (based on the example files I followed).



When my esp arrived, I soldered the connections to my board. This wasn't so inuitive because at first the wires would not solder onto the board pins. I realized I just needed to increase the temperature of the soldering iron to get it to work.

esp connection

To my relief, the ESP 32 worked with the same code!

esp works