Week 10: Networking and Communications


With my 2 ESP32s my goal is ultimately to get one to send data to the other. In particular I'm interested in getting pixel information from the camera, process it (abstracted so that the image has the resolution of the number of LEDs I have), and light the LED array connected to the second ESP 32.

The ESPs have a new protocal for wireless communication between ESPs called ESP NOW. Using this protocol, you don't need an external router or device and can communicated directly from one ESP to another. This seems perfect for what I am trying to do. Check it out here:

This tutorial from randomnerd was particularly helpful in understanding how it works:

I was working on getting the camera to talk to the LED array. Reworking the code from this motion tracking tutorial, I made a (somewhat buggy) version of motion detector that would trigger an animation when movement was registered by the camera.

Here is my motion detector in action:

You can find the code here (based on the example files I followed).