Project Description

For this weeks group assignment, we decided to make an automated zen garden that people can draw directly onto through a web interface. It utilized the core xy design as reference. My contribution to the project involved ideation and physical fabrication. I primarily worked in the hardware team and aside from building all the framing components (both in wood and extrusion) I contributed towards many aspects of the physical construction of the machine such as designing the magnet holder, the wooden frame, the shade for the light, assembling panels of plexi onto cut extrusions, dimensioning extrusions and assembling the structure etc. Ozgun, I, Wedyan, and Leticia were the primary members who stayed back many nights to complete the hardware componenets of the project. 

Frame Design

I created a custom wooden frame from scratch for the zenbot we created. First I sourced wood, then processed the wood into frame components on the table saw, then cut them into 45 degree pieces on the miter saw and got ready for assembly