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  • Week 10

    This was probably the least exciting weeks of all. My cellphone camera stopped working so I couldn't take that many pictures. Anna helped me out with a few pictures. I decided to make a composite for this design from thingiverse because it reminded me of captain america's shield

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    I milled my design, which was pretty simple as we had done milling in the previous weeks.

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    Here are the steps I followed for making the composite:
  1. I used adhesive spray and placed cling wrap to seal the mold.
  2. I sprayed mold release all over the mold and mixed the epoxy resin with hardener in a 2 to 1 ratio
  3. I cut pieces of burlap and placed them on the shape in 3 to 4 layers
  4. I sprayed my vacuum bag with mold release.
  5. I covered my mold in teflon and cotton and place it inside the vacuum bag
  6. For several minutes, I ran the vacuum, but it wasn't letting creeating a vacuum inside the bag. Then I realized that I hadn't selaed it properly so I re-sealed it and cheked for holes. After that, it started creating the vacuum
  7. After 3 hours, I remived my materials from the vacuum bag ang and they were good to go.

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