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Molding and casting

  • Week 7

The process

  • I started off to a smooth start I had been struggling a lot with machines in the past few weeks so I was scared to use the 3-axis milling machine this week, but then I adopted a different approach to previous weeks. I decided to observe another student as they were doing the machining and learned from their process. In my case, it was Ariel, who is just incredible! We talked about the process and she was so amazing! I don think I could have finished the project without her.

  • I wanted to make the maze from West World. I used this design from thingiverse. I scaled the design to make it fit in the wax block we were given, but then the design became too fine and the tooltip wasn't fine enough to make the design.

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  • I decided to make leaf coaster. I used this design from thingiverse.I made the design deeper/thicker for the milling and it came out really well and the oomoo mould was also super good.

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  • I wanted to make transparent casts so I got transparent resin, but I didn't get the appropriate hardener and used the one in the lab and it'd harden overnight :( . I also added some colors to the toaster, but since the hardner in the lab wasn't transparent, it wasn't much of a point to use a transparent resin.

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  • Since the previous resin didn't dry up, I decided to use another tranparent resin (color match) that I found in the lab. It worked and I had a pretty little transparent snowflake. I forgot to put a dry leaf in it whte casting, but it looks nice and clear ;)

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