how to make (almost) anything

Machine Week

Week 12 Tools/Resources:
Soldering Equipment

Claw Machine Tracking Page

What a week...
The majority of my effort this week went towards coordinating, and curating, the onslaught of group and team documentation, as well as the production of the Architecture shop's tracking page, for which I was responsible. Because of the way we broke into small, focused teams for the week, I thought it best to structure the tracking page to reflect that strategy. It also made sense to gather documentation in a similar way; each small team was responsible for documenting their teams' progress daily, and then to upload it to a Dropbox folder system set up for the week. This allowed me to stay on top of updating the site as we progressed through the week without too much trouble.

Soldering: A welcome break from html

Claw touchscreen design & fab

I was also support for the electronics team when an extra pair of hands were needed. In particular, soldering (my favorite!), and the design and fabrication of the claw touchscreen. Overall, it was an intense but--mostly--fun several days!