"Ouput Devices"
This week our assignment was to "add an output device to a microcontroller board and program it to do something."
I decided to do an RGB LED and SPEAKER for output devices. I did four (4) boards; two to be programmed with C, and the other two to be programmed with ModKit.
Remember if you are using ModKit, you have to redesign your board. Thanks to Yoav's help I was able to get some guidance on redesigning my board with Eagle.
Everything went fine with milling and soldering my components on all four (4) PCB boards. With Adam Setapen's help I programmed 2 of the boards using C from the command line. We tried to figure out how to use WinAVR... but that was unsuccessful.. so he just showed me using the command line.
Both boards worked... the RGB Led, and the Speaker.
I then tried to program my boards with ModKit.. I got the RGB Led board to run very well. I experimented with the codes... and they were fine.
I did not have the same success with the speaker board though. Why, I don't know as yet. I will find out.
Lessons Learned:
1. Modkit is a great place to start but assistance on using the program is still needed..
2. Mark your ground pins on your connections.
1. Txt file to myself on procedure for uploading material to site.
2. RGB Eagle files (board).
3. Speaker files (board).
4. RGB Led Board trace and outline.
5. Speaker Board trace and outline.
Website: http://www.vernellenoel.com/
Blog: http://thinkinginsomniac.wordpress.com
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thinkinginsomniac/