finalProject 0000 0001 CAD 0010 cutting 0011 programmer 0100 3Dprinting 0101 elecDesign 0110 makeBig 0111 embedProg 1000 moldCast 1001 inputs 1010 outputs 1011 networks 1100 machine 1101 interface 1110 wildcard 1111 notes


Final Project




This is where the prototype ended up by the end of the class!

What is supposed to happen:

What currently happens:






This project is a compilation of mini-projects from past weeks' work:

Advancements of the above mini-projects that make up this project are documented below.

Idea Genesis

When my five younger siblings and I were growing up, my parents would sometimes bring us to museums. We hated it. There was nothing duller or more exhausting than following our parents aimlessly around the sterile, life-sucking labyrinths of old paintings. Inevitably, our feet would start to hurt. We would all keep our eyes peeled for benches or chairs to sit in and complain from. However, chairs were always hard to come by in these sparsely furnished chambers. If we did find one, chances are it was occupied by a museum staff member, but sometimes, the good lord would smile upon us and we would enter a new room and there would sit a thriving oasis in this dreary desert of artifacts— an empty chair.

We were not rescued yet. In fact, the real battle had just begun. There were six of us and only one chair. They say blood is thicker than water— chairs are thicker than both. The race to the respite would commence. Soon, a winner would be crowned with an unfurrowed brow and anointed with spiteful words from his siblings.

For my final project I would like to give these children an oasis in the dreary desert of artefacts, but one that is so much more nourishing than a simple chair. I want to give them a trick, a riddle, something that will snap them out of their lifeless daze and spark curiosity and a laugh. I want to give them a chair they, despite appearances, will be unable to sit in.

Project Proposal

This chair will present itself to the room as a willing aid in warding off the plight of weary feet. The chair will sense the location of said weary person as they approach. Once this unfortunate soul comes within a predetermined distance from the chair, the back of the chair will swiftly swivel around to face the approacher. If the approacher attempts to move to the new “front” of the chair, the back of the chair will swivel to follow her, making it altogether impossible to sit in this chair by ordinary means.

An extension of this project could be a second or even third chair, each with a pressure sensor in the seat. If two of these chairs are in a room both unoccupied, one may be sat in with no issue. However, once one chair is occupied, the second’s anti-seat function will be employed and it will forever abuse the weary until the first chair is evacuated.

I would imagine this turning into an unexpected, but welcome riddle the occupants of the room would be interesting in solving.







Lazy - Suzan bearing

I would like to 3D print the bearing allowing the back of the chair to turn with the motor. Inspired by Joon's 3D printing project, I think I could do this completely in-place rather than with marbles as shown at the following places:



It seems that I can either use a simple geared motor or a servo motor.

Because I will be getting constant feedback on the chair's position relative to the approaching person from the cameras, a simple geared motor and some kind of "while not in position, turn" loop should do the trick.


Art Stuff:

Politics of my Final Project

My final project is intended to function as a game to spark some excitement in weary gallery or museum guests, namely children dragged along by their parents. The intentions, statement and critique driving the proposed installation run to the extent of the previous sentence. That being said, it is impossible to create an object devoid of the connotations, implications and historical significance of the constituting materials, technologies and related ideas. For that reason, I think it is important to consider the following points in the context of this project:




Software and Electronics

For the software and electronics of this project see: 1101 and 1110


Structure Design

Inspired by Neil's advice to follow a "spiral development" strategy. I will start by designing a very basic prototype that works completely and then create increasingly complex, but complete systems from there.


I am using the form I made in week 0001 as a jumping-off point. The drum-base of the jewelry holder is great shape for the seat of my chair. The circular design means it will look normal in any orientation, i.e. you wouldn't be able to tell something was up with the chair even if it ends up facing a different direction than it started.


First drawing:




Second drawing:








The electronics and interface work!



The motor keeps over correcting, passing my face and then overcorrecting in the other direction:








Added PWM to my C program:


Center Window

Need to widen the area in which a face is considered to be centered. The motor keeps over correcting so that it just goes back and forth never lingering in the middle long enough to register my face.


I'll increase the window from +/- 30 to +/-50.




Was testing this code when everything suddenly stopped working... :(



Potential fails:

I will use a couple LEDs and a bread board to test the GPIO pins

If they work, and I hope they do, I think I will remake the motor board.

If they don't work, I will switch to different RPi GPIO pins.


The LEDs light up, hence the RPi's GPIO pins must be working.

This means that something is awry with my motor board. Chances are my H-bridge was fried earlier when I was testing with the multimeter. I remember bridging two ISP headers and hearing a little beep.

I'll replace the H-bridge, test the whole setup again and if it doesn't work then I'll also replace the micro controller.

I was advised that a 9V battery is not the ideal power source for my motor as it is designed for high voltage low amperage systems. A better choice would be 4 AAA batteries. I'll switch that out.

New 4 AAA battery power supply and motor driver... no dice. The voltage out of the power supply is 4.4V... not sure that is enough juice to run the motor.

I tried reprogramming the same micro-controller to see if it was fried and it successfully programed so nothing wrong with that component.


For some reason the H-bridge is outputting out both OUT pins, even though it is only receiving on one IN pin... odd.

After testing many different connections and replacing the H-bridge several times without uncovering anything suspicious, I'm going make a whole new board as a final stand.

I'm also going to use a motor with a larger gear ratio (1:131) as I need the camera rotation to be very slow.

In case of system failure on the day, I figured out how to set up my system with a pre-made motor driver board. It works very well:


Issues and Solutions:



Using fusion to draw up some 3d models:

A toothed cap for the motor shaft:

And a base that will hold marbles in a track, acting as a lazy suzan bearing:






Back to circuitry

This is the current circuit. I'm finding that the H-bridges need to be very carefully installed.

The bottom pad should be lightly covered in solder. I have been putting down solder and then using copper braid to remove the excess. Same for the pad on board.


After hours of pulling my hair out because the motor failed to turn, I think I have narrowed my woes down to two root causes.



This is two 5V / 1A in series. It was my salvation.


Here is the project so far:





It's messy, too big and lacking a support for the motor. Still much to do.

Now that my power supply problems are sorted out, I'm going to retry PWM to slow my motor as much as possible. I'll use an off delay of 16 micro seconds.

Update: I fried 4 mobile chargers - still unsure why this happened. Maybe I shorted something. Maybe the motor was drawing more current than even the battery packs could provide.

I'm also going to widen the "center window" to +/- 250.

While the +/- 250 ranged worked fine on my Mac, the PiCam does not have as wide of a field of view, I'm going to have to stick with +/- 80 and rely on really slowing the motor down.

In this first test you can see how the motor over corrects each time it sees that my face is not in the center.


I slowed the motor down using PWM, but now it is not strong enough to move the top apparatus.


Annnnd now the batteries are dead.

While I wait for them to charge I'll work on a better housing for the electronics.





And something for the motor shaft to give it some grip (the other geometry from before wasn't great out of the 3D printer).





