Mobirise Website Builder

Wildcard Week

Programming     Robotics

How to draw almost anything with robots

Group work with Sergio Mutis


Mobirise Website Builder
Workflow: Image to Coordinates to Draw

The workflow of this week was set up with three programs to easily track and troubleshoot unexpected results.

Mobirise Website Builder
01 image to coordinates


Mobirise Website Builder
02 coordinates to toolpath positions

Mobirise Website Builder
03 toolpath to draw


Mobirise Website Builder
Basic Setting & Training

Thanks for the help with Alex. We're ready to play with them after the brief training (aka Roy and Siegfried)!

Mobirise Website Builder
Installing the gripper

The gripper needs an extra 3D-printed connector to work. 

Mobirise Website Builder

Mobirise Website Builder
End of Factor Interface

As a simple run test, we're controlling the end of factor separate from our code.

Mobirise Website Builder

Mobirise Website Builder
First Run: Drawing MIT

The first run was testing the dots with a thinner marker. 

Mobirise Website Builder

Mobirise Website Builder
Second Run: Drawing Neil

In the second run, we tried using a thicker marker.
Instead of tiny dots, we like this bigger texture more!

Mobirise Website Builder

Mobirise Website Builder
Third Run: Drawing Banksy
At around 1 am in the CBA Lab, we decided to test something else since we were having lots of fun!

In this final test, we took one of Banksy's works and image-processed it twice (the colored balloon and the girl). After those two files were generated, we did two separate jobs on the robot. 

Mobirise Website Builder

How to draw a Banksy with robots

Project Index

Drag & Drop Website Builder