I had decided to reproduce the circuit design above, thought it would be a good exercise of trying to solder the components onto the board.
and get a sense of component scale, which were to my suprise very tiny... I struggled quite a bit soldering the components, my hands were very shaky and often times I'd accidentally fuse some parts together and had to de-solder and repeat the process all over again- which made it a very slow process.
Well, this was the output - not too terrible I guess? Also, just a tip for future reference - before vacuuming away the copper bits, make sure to
remove your routed PCB.
I had the unfortunate event of the vaccuum sucking away the pcb and was unable to retreive it, having to mill it again!
Okay, so next I milled out my own PCB that I had made on Eagle. For this design, I was using the ATtiny1614 - which does not exist in the Fab Eagle Library.
So I downloaded it from
I was also going through the datasheet although I don't think I fully understand what exactly each Pin is supposed to do- however, it did help in knowing how to orient/place ATtiny onto the PCB.
This is the list of components I used:
- ATTiny1614-SSNR
- R1 and R2: 1K resistors
- S1: SW262CT-ND
- C1: 1uF
- Red LED
- Conn: 2x2 Pinhead SMD
After soldering all the components on, I attemped to program the microcontroller. I came across these two links which documents the process nicely.
link 1 and
link 2
I followed the steps carefully, installed
pyupdi.py , and had the hex file ready from Arduino.
Unfortunately, I ran into an error. Since I'm still using windows 7... (I know, terrible) I was unable to run the program since I had Python3 missing and sadly Python3 is not compatible with my current laptop configuration.
I have received a new loaner laptop from MIT and I'll try to run the program on it. Hopefully it'll work.