WEEK 12 /
This week I played catch-up to my Final Project Proposal. Check Week 14 for the updates. I spent most of my
time battling with Charlieplexing in Eagle but each section was also tasked with making the MTM Snap-Fit
Machine. SUPER FUN to put together. Unfortunately I only have documentation of the CNC-milled components
coming together:

[all the milled pieces]
[enclosure pieces]
[laying the pieces out for assembly, orientation is important!]
[Jonathan demoing how the pieces snap together]
[using a screwdriver to push the flextures to fit each piece into its slot]
*Note that each notched leg has a channel to give the plastic more flexibility. It was also conveniently a slot
you could wedge the screwdriver into.
[adjusting each piece on one face just a little before applying a ton of downwards pressure]

[assembling the body]
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