Since my final project involves using sensors to turn on arrays of LEDs, I wanted to use this week's
assignment to explore potential sensing devices. I gave myself the task of taking the micro-controller
we made from the EMBEDDED PROGRAMMING week and adding some LEDs so that I could visualize
the change in proximity measured by an infrared proximity sensor.
There were a bunch of IR sensors online but the one I ended up using was the SHARP Long Range
This sensor has an analog output varying from about 2.8 V to 0.4V and can give
decent inputs from 15 cm to 150 cm away. The basic principle behind IR proixmity sensors is that it
sends infrared light though IR-LEDs, which is then reflected by any object in front of the sensor. The
returning light is received by a detector.
While I was waiting for my sensor to come in I decided to make Neil's Step Response board.
Milling and stuffing went normally and the results are below. I was having a little trouble getting the
Python visualization to run on my Mac but thanks to Shahar I've included the steps here:
To setup Pyserial:
Open Terminal.
2. Type: sudo easy_install pip
3. Type: sudo pip install pyserial
To configure the USB port:
1. Type: ls /dev/tty.usb*\<backslash>
2. Hit ''Enter'' and you should get your port's name.
3. If you don't get a port name you need to install the VCP driver from here.
To run the .py file:
1. Type: python /dev/tty.usbserial<insert serial port's name>
[stuffed board and the accompanying .py visualizer]
[Neil's step respons circuit board]
Thanks to Brian answering all my silly questions I was able to add some LEDs and a sensor to my
micro-controller from Week 7. It was pretty simple because the IR sensor I was using only had 3
wires to hook up: Ground, 5V, and Input.
[layout in Eagle]
[milled and stuffed boards, I always make an extra!]
[close up of the board wired to my sensor]
Having wired the sensor to my board I know that in future designs I should separate my ground pad
from the 5V pad to keep my board from shorting.
[sharp ir long-range sensor]
The sensor was picking up alot of noise, but after playing with the printout rates I was able to figure out
some stable values to code in Arduino with.
The code below essentially takes the output of the sensor and compares it to some baseline values,
flipping a different LED on for each voltage output. I wanted to try to get the Serial Monitor to print out the
actual distance, but since the actual voltage-to-distance graph is exponential and I'd be working with decimals,
I realized I probably shouldn't run those calculations with my board.
Thanks to Moritz for teaching me about the oscilloscope and Tiffany for teaching me more about Arduino :)