Building your own Website
In this page I will compile the useful notes I picked up thorughout the semester on how to edit yoru html code and make your website do what YOU want it to do....not the other way around.
Like this website design? It began as the Prologue Template from HTML5 UP. Hooray for open-source!
I did, of course, have to make some pretty essential edits. See below in hopes that they're useful to future generations of novice coders! Some edits are naturally specific to this website template's features, but they might give you an idea of where to look for similar issues you may have.
Scrolling when the Navigation bar fills up
For this issue I went to Amir for help and slowly gained confidence in just watching him play around with the source code. In sum, the issue was living in the style.css file in the line that controls for an overflowing navigation menu. This command line should say
overflow: scroll;
where it used to say
overflow: absolute;
within the "#header" style definitions.
Enabling dropdown menu links in mobile/narrow view
For some inexplicable reason, the links (internal facing hrefs) in the left navigation menu would stop working once my window was decreased to be in the style of narrow, narrower, or mobile. This was unfortunate since the links were working, but not from phones or small windows.
First, I opened my webpage to right-click in the area and choose "Inspect Element". This lets you see what code is running behind that part of the page. There was some mention of skel-layers but nothing about an href being disabled. I tried inheriting all styles in the "
Instead, I opened for the first time the very intimidating javascript (.js) files and found a file named "skel-layers.min.js". Lo and behold, when I used ctrl+F, I found the term "href" come up in the following command line:
I simply commented out this line and VOILA! My first .js file successfully edited to debug code! =).
Code editors
Though this is definitely a case by case basis and a matter of pure preference, it does seem like most expert coders I know have some kind of editor with a dark background, like Sublime. I started with Brackets but now... it's starting to hurt my eyes.