A1. Visualization Idea
So my original plan was to create a program that would map the input from a sensor on the same sort of maps that I created last year (further description on my final project page). I basically want to graph the sensor data over time radially rather than linearly, in order to generate my previous drawings a lot faster and more accurately.

A2. Coding Precedents
2.1 After meeting with my TA Reina she suggested that I look into processing in order to make data visualizations.
2.2 I found only one precedent of radial mapping for arduino and it was mapping a distance sensor to a radar map. My original plan was to adopt this code to my final project sensors, and then edit it to look like my original maps. However, I ran out of time and this code was overwhelming to understand... so I decided to simplify my goal to just having a linear map of my sensor values.
2.3 For the linear mapping I followed this precedent and altered the serial port, visuals, and added a save function.

A3. Timeline...
3.1 So to be completely honest I didn't do this weeks assignment until the final project week. I am not a coder and any coding assignment takes me an absurd amount of time and a lot of stress, so naturally I left it till the last possible minute to complete this assignment....In the future I do want to explore visual and creative coding more. I know it is a necessary skill to be able to represent the data I collect from dancers in the artistic way I would like. But due to short timeline and my overall apprehension about my ability to code I was not able to completely replicate my original drawings through code for the final project, it is hopefully something that will come soon after!


B1. Arduino Code

1.1 For the arduino code I mainly just had to change my port name to match the usb port I was using.
1.2 I have both "Serial" and "Serial1" because for my final project I was trying to get the sensor to communicate with my computer via bluetooth and the SAMD11C14 uses Serial1 to communicate with a bluetooth module.

B2. Processing Code
2.1 This is my final code in processing, I changed the "myPort" line in "void setup" to match my usb port name coming in from Arduino. I then added a save function in the "void draw" section so that I could save a .tiff image of my graphs to my desktop.


Once I got my sensor connected and saw that arduino was getting values in the serial monitor I hit play on my processing script and it started graphing my sensor values!!! Woohoo this was SO excited and I was very proud that I had gotten a code working :)