Week 1
Computer-Aided Design

The first HTMAA class, Fusion360 and parametric design
Here is where I will keep track of my progress during the MAS.863
How To Make (Almost) Anything class,
taught by Professor Neil Gershenfeld
The first HTMAA class, Fusion360 and parametric design
From diving deep into git and Fusion360, to getting enlightened by Alfonso's CAD wisdom during office hours and spending late nights at the Harvard Lab: this week was a rollercoaster!
Milling, PCB's, soldering and more!
Many meshes, tricky triangles and dizzying dodecahedrons
Art of Electronics, Electronics Design Automation, LEDs and SVG-PCB!
Some blood, some sweat, and no tears went into making something big this week!
Arduino, SVG-PCB and blinking lights like there is no tomorrow
Molds, casts and my face eternalised in cement
RGB LEDs, Arduino and the philosophy of spirals
Flexible Crown PCB, Charlieplexing and artificial muscles
Charlieplexing with sewable circuits and LEDs
Embedded stuff
Toilet Paper Launcher, Marble Trapping Mechanisms, and overall speaking - machine mayhem
Supersonically fast Zund & very slow-curing glass fibre composites