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Guide - Using the Artec Leo 3D scanner

This is a guide for using the Artec Leo 3D Scanner and the Artec Studio Software.

Scanning an Object

  1. Put in an SD card.
  2. Switch it on with the power button.
  3. Place the object you want to scan down on a steady flat surface. It helps if the surface has a grid pattern.
  4. Create a new project.
  5. Point the scanner at your object. Press the trigger to start scanning.
  6. Walk around your object slowly 360 degrees. Try to keep a distance of 1.5 feet away. If the object has overhangs, it might help to move up and down vertically to scan all surfaces that may be hidden.
  7. Press the trigger to stop scanning.
  8. Give your project a name.
  9. Export your projects to the SD card.
  10. Turn off the device (by going through options - do not press the power button!)

Extracting a 3D Model from the Scan

  1. Load in the file from the scanner into Artec Studio.
  2. Check that there are no bad frames. Right-click the file and view frames. Delete any red ones.
  3. Use the autogenerate function.
  4. After use the Edit > Eraser Tool and remove unnecessary points and the plane.
  5. Use the Fill Holes function to fill any holes. Likely the bottom-side of the scan that met with the plane will now be idenitfied as a hole.
  6. Reapply the texture.
  7. Save the project file and export the model as VRML (if you want to keep the texture). STL will not keep that info.